"The Lord give you peace"

St Francis of Assisi

"The Lord give you peace"

St Francis of Assisi

"The Lord give you peace"

St Francis of Assisi

"The Lord give you peace"

St Francis of Assisi

"The Lord give you peace"

St Francis of Assisi

"The Lord give you peace"

St Francis of Assisi

"The Lord give you peace"

St Francis of Assisi

Latest News & Events


The Year of the Canticle

This year marks the Eight Centenary since Saint Francis composed the Canticle of the Creatures at San Damiano in 1225.


Former friary Church in Clonmel.

Statement by the Irish Franciscans regarding the Church building in Clonmel.


St Charles of Sezze, a Saint for the New Year.

Liam Kelly OFM reflects on the Franciscan saint and his wisdom about life's stuggles.

Franciscan Province of Ireland

We are part of the world-wide Franciscan Order present in 120 countries with some 13,000 friars. The wider Irish Province includes the Custody (Region) of the Good Shepherd in Zimbabwe and the Custody of the Immaculate Conception in Great Britain.

10 things you need to know about Saint Francis!