Saint Bonaventure still speaks to our hearts today, so states a letter to the Franciscan Family marking the 750th Anniversary of his death in 1274.
As the new year begins and we set our goals for the year ahead, Liam Kelly OFM invites us to leave some space for the ‘saving difference’ which is God’s grace.
In the midst of awful darkness, the friars in Bethlehem know a Light that cannot be overcome.
As the Franciscan Family celebrates 800th annivesary of the "first crib", the friars in Galway have prepared a special crib display, viewing from 8th December.
The Franciscan Family celebrates the 800th Anniversary of Confirmation of the Rule of Saint Francis.
This year Franciscans celebrate eight centuries of the Franciscan way of life.
Franciscan Cardinal and Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa OFM, has written a letter denouncing the terrible violence in the Holy Land and calling for peace.
Liam Kelly OFM writes of the "Franciscan Crown" or "The Seven Joys".
Learning from Saint Francis to be a listening Franciscan Fraternity.
Our brother, Hyacinth, a long-time missionary in South Africa, has gone home to God.