If you are interested in the Franciscan way of life please contact:

Friar Liam Kelly OFM

Phone:  087 396 0262 

Email: irishfranciscansofm@gmail.com 

Postal address: Franciscan Friary, Ennis, Co Clare.

In his Testament, written towards the end of his life, St. Francis mentions, almost casually, “…and the Lord gave me brothers…” As remarkable a personality as St. Francis was, his vocation, his whole life was about fraternity, about brotherhood and sisterhood. St. Francis was a brother, among the Lesser Brothers and Poor Sisters of Assisi. More than that, he became a brother to all those he met, and to every creature.

The Franciscan story isn’t the story of a great philosophy or a great idea. Being a Franciscan is about experiencing life as a brother or a sister of Jesus Christ and through Jesus, becoming a brother or a sister to all men and women and to every creature. It is both very simple and very profound!

Have you ever wondered about the vocation to priesthood or the Religious Life? Have you wondered what kind of people hear and respond to the call? If so, you may be interested in the reading some of the profiles on this page.

Here is a selection of short testimonies of Irish Franciscan Friars. They are short introductions describing in a few words how they heard the call to become Franciscans, what they discovered on their vocation journey, and why today they are still living that original call.

Friar Liam

Meet the brothers…