Statement by the Irish Franciscans regarding the Church building in Clonmel.
The Franciscan Custos sends a Christmas message from Bethlehem.
Our brother, Fr PJ Brady, a member of the Killarney fraternity, has died after a long illness.
A display of cribs in the Abbey, Galway celebrates the true spirit of Christmas.
Fr Cletus, who was a popular preacher and radio presenter, has died.
Pope Francis canonises eight Franciscan friars and three Maronite brothers who died for Christ in 1860.
Timetable of the visit of the Relics to Adam and Eve's Franciscan Church, Dublin: 25th -26th October.
As we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis, Sr Ilia Delio OSF reflects on his understanding of God as love.
Francis followed Jesus so perfectly that he was honoured by this unique gift, the imprinting of Christ's five wounds upon his body.
To mark the 800th anniversary of the arrival of the friars in England, Minister Provincial Aidan McGrath OFM has written a letter to the Franciscan friars in Britian and Ireland.
On 10th September 1224 nine Friars Minor landed in Dover, England, the simple beginning of the Franciscan presence and mission in these islands.